Group of runners and Marathon runners of Autism Center “SOS”
Almost 6 amateur but experienced runners, friends and employees of the Association of Parents, Guardians and Friends of Autistic Children “SOS”, created the Running and Marathon Running Team of Autism Center “SOS” and run with the shirt of the Center in local and international sporting events. On Sunday, May 12, the Team ran for the first time, wearing the shirt of the Center, on the 4th Posidonion Half Marathon of Athens.
Music Group of volunteers of the Autism Center “SOS”
Friends and employees of the Association of Parents, Guardians and Friends of Autistic Children “SOS”, created the Music Team of the Center, giving musical performances to our Interns. Team’s scope is the entertainment of the Interns as well as their contact with a variety of musical instruments, mainly including string and percussion instruments.
Volunteer work
The Association of Parents, Guardians and Friends of Autistic Children “SOS” relies significantly on the love and the support of others, in order to achieve its goal. In this direction the support given by our volunteers is more than important, as they offer their own vital contribution to our work.
Everyone could participate voluntarily to any of our activities. For more information you could contact us via telephone (in the number 210- 6520782), fax (in the number 210-2435689) or e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.